all postcodes in ST2 / STOKE-ON-TRENT

find any address or company within the ST2 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST2 9AA 0 53.024294 -2.133363
ST2 9AB 2 53.024555 -2.132767
ST2 9AD 0 53.023345 -2.129483
ST2 9AE 0 53.024378 -2.130858
ST2 9AF 2 53.02362 -2.147701
ST2 9AG 2 53.023691 -2.149298
ST2 9AH 0 53.023668 -2.146078
ST2 9AJ 2 53.024433 -2.144827
ST2 9AL 3 53.025434 -2.142461
ST2 9AQ 1 53.024531 -2.146051
ST2 9AR 0 53.026242 -2.143313
ST2 9AS 3 53.025307 -2.135811
ST2 9AT 0 53.026132 -2.137066
ST2 9AU 1 53.025099 -2.13657
ST2 9AW 6 53.025212 -2.140015
ST2 9AX 2 53.024949 -2.134721
ST2 9AY 0 53.024418 -2.134645
ST2 9AZ 1 53.024665 -2.138969
ST2 9BA 1 53.024809 -2.138163
ST2 9BB 2 53.024889 -2.139194